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Home / Baby / Genuine Baltic Amber Necklace

Genuine Baltic Amber Necklace

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Genuine Baltic amber jewelry has been used for thousands of years to ease pain and inflammation, boost the immune system, and promote peace and calm. Our jewelry is 100% natural, unique, light-weight, and comfortable to wear. Each piece is handmade, features a screw clasp closure, and is knotted between each bead for safety. Our children's jewelry has been tested in a USA CPSIA-approved lab and is approved for all ages.

Size 1 = approximately 10.5 inches (our infant size). Size 2 = approximately 12.5 inches (our toddler size). Size 3 = approximately 14.5 inches (our child size).

Baltic amber jewelry is made for wearing, never for chewing! Necklaces contain small parts. Children must be supervised at all times while wearing jewelry.
Made in United States of America